The Dynamic Pluggable Microservice Framework is now the “DPMSF”!
During the last several days, I have been working to produce a slim docker container for rapid deployments of the DPMSF, and I have accomplished this goal for both ARM64 (aka AARCH64) and X64. \
This slim docker container is under 500 MB and contains all the requirements for running the secret proprietary “DPMSF Lite” version, which is unavailable elsewhere. The public Open Source version is bloated but free, and I feel this is what people should expect from FOSS. The super cool slim version is proprietary, however, and available only via a suitable support contract.
The slim dpmsf-lite comes with built-in support for Serverless MongoDB!
The slim dpmsf-lite comes with built-in support for User Management via the companion container lovingly called the kiosk.
The kiosk works with dpmsf-lite to provide a pluggable framework for rapidly deploying Django Apps without having to code the User Management for every Django App deployed via the kiosk.
This makes User Management one more thing I will never have to code again along with REST. I get to deploy both forever but never have to waste development time coding either of these again. Code one and use forever is my motto for development.